The world's most popular search

Achieve fast, accurate, and relevant results with our advanced lexical search technology, enhancing user satisfaction and streamlining data retrieval.

The Power of Keywords

Lexical search matches exact character sequences in queries with documents, ranking them based on term commonality and occurrence. Used in search engines and databases, it is simple, explainable, and efficient. Optimized with smart indexing, it handles large datasets swiftly, often returning results in milliseconds.

Speed and Efficiency

Lexical search is fast and efficient due to its straightforward nature. It can be optimized further using data structures like hash tables or inverted indices.


Leixcal search is simpler than other complex techniques like vector search.


The clear structure of lexical search queries, which ignores semantics or context, makes them highly readable and easy to understand, allowing users to analyze results effortlessly.

Refined Filtering

Lexical search uses filtering—such as categories, date ranges, or term matching—to refine search results and improve relevance. For example, keyword matching will return "True" if the term appears in the document and "False" otherwise.

Accurate Ranking

Lexical search ranks results by relevance, using factors like keyword frequency and custom logic. Common metrics, such as TF-IDF and Okapi BM25, assess the frequency of matching terms in both the documents and the corpus.

Free text search

Free text search lets users input queries in natural language to find matches across the entire text. In lexical search, these queries are typically stemmed, parsed, and normalized.

Optimize search relevancy by combining classic and vector search, achieving breadth and depth in information retrieval.

Lexical search matches exact character sequences in queries with documents, ranking them based on term commonality and occurrence. Used in search engines and databases, it is simple, explainable, and efficient. Optimized with smart indexing, it handles large datasets swiftly, often returning results in milliseconds.

Search Engines

Lexical search is crucial for exact matches, even with modern semantic techniques.


Quickly find records with specific keywords or phrases. The SQL LIKE operator is a common example.

Text Editors

Features like "Find" and "Replace" in text editors rely on lexical search to locate specific strings within documents.

Code Editors and IDEs

Find occurrences of variables, functions, or other code snippets within large codebases.

Command-Line Tools

Tools like grep in Unix-based systems perform lexical search to filter and find text within files.

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